Belarus, a country in the centre of Europe
We certainly recommend that you fly to one of these airports:- Minsk (MSQ), Warsaw (if you intend to go to Brest) or Vilnius in Lithuania (for the north of the country). You can fly from London Gatwick, London Heathrow (LHR) or Manchester (MAN).
Travel by air, the carriers
Belavia from London Gatwick about £265.00 return
Telephone 0207 393 1202 Fax 0171 393 1203
Austrian Airlines fly to Minsk via Vienna about £300.00
Lufthansa fly to Minsk via Munich about £300.00
British Airways fly to Warsaw on regular flights then take a train to Brest cost varies between £200 and £350
Lot (Polish) flies to Warsaw and then by train to Brest from £200 upwards.
Road travel
Driving in Belarus is difficult and unless you are an experienced traveller in Eastern Europe we recommend that you fly. Very few drivers are insured and it is risky. Your own insurance company may not cover you either. You could shop around for a UK car insurance comany which would provide cover for driving in Eastern Europe but this would be a standard insurance policy. Perhaps cheap car insurance website prudentplus could help.
We can make arrangements for parties to met at Vilnius, Minsk or Warsaw with Belarusian travel companies contact AlatanTour at alatan@nsys.by - others will be added later.
The best way to get around is to hire a driver to escort you. The cost can be reasonably nominal when one considers that a normal wage is about £7 per week and petrol is cheap but please contact us with the details of your itinerary and we can most likely make private arrangements for you. Contact mike@chernobyl.org.uk for these plans.